Just when you thought you knew everything about SolidWorks Explorer, Devon Sowell gives us his first post discussing tips to make your venture into the abusive and murderous world of data management easier to handle.

Some Things you’ll learn:

  • What SolidWorks Explorer is for
  • If parts are open when a drawing is open (Hmmm…are they?)
  • How to set up references
  • How to make Windows Desktop Search not suck

This little program has more uses that a bowl of rice pudding and looks wonderful on the screen when the boss walks by. Here’s what I like about SolidWorks Explorer and some additional things to keep in mind.

  • प्रयोग गर्दा Pack-and-Go on big assemblies, uncheck and collapse the first item, then expand it and pick the items you need.
  • तिमी प्रयोग गर्नसक्छौ पुन: नामाकरण गर्नुहोस् to fix “built-in-context-of…” references that have been lost. Rename to the assembly it’s built in-context of, then name it back.
  • You can use SolidWorks Explorer to Rename configurations, but it will not update the Design Table it’s linked to.
  • तपाईं can’t change properties on components you have opened. Just shut that sucka down and change away.
  • You do have some SolidWorks Explorer Options. It’s the third circular icon on the top menu. I would set-up some common where-used and search locations there.

How do you use SolidWorks Explorer?


जोश SolidSmack.com मा संस्थापक र सम्पादक, Aimsift इंक मा संस्थापक, र EvD मीडिया को सह संस्थापक हो। उहाँ ईन्जिनियरि ,्, डिजाइन, भिजुअलाइजेशन, टेक्नोलोजी यो हुन, र यसको वरिपरि विकसित सामग्री मा संलग्न छ। उहाँ एक SolidWorks प्रमाणित प्रोफेशनल हुनुहुन्छ र अजीब ढंगले गिरने मा एक्सेल।