If you decided to start a blog but still haven’t chosen a theme yet, you will find at least ten ideas in this article. Someone blogs about their business, and someone shares personal stories and experiences. Select the theme the most relevant for you, and start making money on your content.
1. Culinary
New trendy diets are constantly emerging. Culinary themes, in general, are very popular, but video blogs are especially great due to their visibility. They are dedicated to a specific topic: vegetarianism or, on the contrary, harsh “male cuisine” with an abundance of recipes for meat dishes. A good example of a culinary channel is Gordon Ramsay’s video blog. Remember: when it comes to food, pay special attention to visuals—study quality food photography. The problem of many culinary blogs is incomprehensible, muddy photos on a smartphone. Food must look appetizing so that you want to eat it right now.
2. TV Series
Watching TV series has long ceased to be entertainment for housewives. Now the TV series is not only filmed at a completely different quality level but also attracts crowds of fans around them. Can you argue for hours about whether the second season of The Witcher is good or bad, which is better – the House of Cards or Billions, and how cute little Yoda is in The Mandalorian. Write about the most up-to-date TV series on your blog. Besides, you can switch to other entertainment topics, like video games or gambling reviews, similar to newzealandcasinoreview.com.
3. Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle has now become a real trend. Sports, proper nutrition, disease prevention are popular topics. However, it’s not enough just to start going to the gym in order to teach people a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is a topic associated with medicine, and here you need to be well versed, following the current research in this area. Of course, if you have an excellent body, you should start an Instagram blog and inspire others with your wonderful shape.
4. Science
Probably, you are so lucky to be the second Stephen Hawking. It means that it’s time to create a sci-pop channel! But be careful: without critical thinking and caution, it’s not worth moving forward here. If you decide to reveal to the world that aliens live among us or that we actually evolved from intelligent mayonnaise, slow down a bit. Perhaps your hypothesis will be disproved very quickly. Although, on the other hand, some people still prove to the entire Internet that the Earth is actually flat.
5. Interviews
Engaging specific people – professionals, experts, executives – is a great way to add personality and persuasiveness to your blog. The occasional use of personal information such as photos, interviews, and quotes helps to establish a more personal connection with the audience. The best way to stand out from other bloggers is to publish interviews taken from experts in the field you work in. An interview does not have to take place live. Many journalists have already adapted to making appointments via Skype. You can always use regular correspondence, although, of course, it won’t convey intonation, and you won’t be able to take a selfie with the interviewee either. However, for interesting material, a simple correspondence with an interesting media person is quite enough.
6. Charity and Social Activism
Do you support any petition? Are you up for the environment? It’s not embarrassing to talk about it. When you speak out loud about important things in a lively and engaging language, it really draws people in. Someone will pick up your topic and keep it on. Not everyone can express their position, but the majority of people can support and like your post. And with the support of a bunch of people, your projects will move much faster.
7. Reviews
If you want to monetize your blog as quickly as possible, then this post theme is for you. With affiliate programs like Amazon Associates, you can monetize your blog with product reviews alone. Post your reviews only on those resources that the audience trusts. For example, blogger Warlord reviews LEGO sets and posts them on YouTube. You can do something similar, but make sure you are really acknowledged with the product reviewed.
8. Personal Experience
Have you moved to another country, started breeding horses, or decided to lose 30 kilograms? Share your experience on your blog. Such a blog is interesting to readers because the events in it take place almost in real-time. The author, in this case, is a specific person who makes mistakes and makes progress, and tells his audience about it. Traveling will always be a popular topic of internet searches. People travel a lot, or at least they want to. If you can advise how to visit fascinating and exotic places cheaper, readers will appreciate it.
9. Beauty
Beauty blogs are getting more and more popular. They include new product reviews, makeup tutorials, and beauty tips. Brands like to promote their products by sending them to popular bloggers for review and even getting them to create limited collections. The top British beauty blogger is a cheerful and beautiful girl Zoella. You can get inspiration from her blog and use some tricks in your own videos.
10. Pets
Blogs about pets have a huge audience. One of the most striking examples among popular animals is Grumpy Cat, who died on May 14, 2019, but managed to become a real Internet star. This animal has not only become a meme but also starred in commercials and gave a topic for two books, which were sold around the world in huge numbers. According to some media, Grumpy Cat has brought his owner more than $100 million.
In the article, we gave 10 brilliant examples, but the list of interesting ideas on what to start writing a blog about or what to write a separate post about is endless. How do you deal with the lack of ideas? Share with us in the comments.