Depending on what news program you see, time of day, and star alignment you’ll hear that the COVID-19 (Corona)virus is worse than any other virus, not as bad as other viruses, killing thousands, or killing millions. Regardless, it’s a serious strain of protein-crowned protease masses wreaking havoc on our world.

We don’t want to get anywhere near the microscopic maligner, but mechanical maker, Greg Bejtlich, wants to get it our hands… a 3D printed representation of it, that is.

I’ve always been a fan of visual aids for education, especially when it can be hands on.”

Totally agree, and if there were a collector’s series of ‘famous’ viruses, bacteria, and the like, 3D printing them would be one way to ‘get them all’ without, yeah, getting them all. And not that you would, but if you went around saying, ‘I have the Coronavirus!,” giving everyone tiny 3D prints of it, I’m sure you would win a lot of friends or, more likely, be punched in the face.

The part is two pieces with connecting pin, all joined together with adhesive. Greg used an Ultimaker 3D printer and orange filament with the recommendation to use tree or zig-zag supports with ‘Support Roof” enabled. I’m curious if it could be printed as smaller, interlocking pieces to illustrate replication. Hmmm.

You can download COVID-19 on MyMiniFactory but use your 3D printed virus wisely! (Bonus! Check out Greg’s 3D printed SHOWER BEER HOLDER. It also works with margarita glasses! I like the way you think Greg!)

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Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.