Whether you are the best boy scout in town or just regular folk, it’s always good to know at least one good knot that can keep things tied together.

YouTuber FIRST CLASS AMATEUR has a ton of valuable tips and tricks videos you can use in your daily life, but arguably one of the most helpful is this tutorial on making a panic knot:

YouTube video

Panic knots are fastenings you can tie when strapped for time and don’t know which one to make. They’re easy to remember and can be handy in a pinch. Most importantly, they are just as secure as some complex knots.

panic knot

The panic knot First Class Amateur teaches is tied by wrapping your rope, string, or whatever tying material you have around your hand. Two big wraps around your hand, followed by two smaller wraps around those big wraps, are more than sufficient to give you a secure knot. That’s all there is to it!

panic knot

The knot is derived from the overheard knot and the ring hitch upon looking closer. According to First Class Amateur, the reason you make two little knots is to prevent the unraveling of the tie after accidentally wrapping it the wrong way. Given that you’ll most likely be using panic knots in a bind (pun intended), it’s a great way to ensure your knot will work without overthinking about it.

panic knot

The knot works well on both open and closed anchor points. You just have to include the other side of your line before doing the two small wraps with the latter. You can use it with string, rope, and even fishing line (though wrapping fishing line on round poles doesn’t produce the best results). The best part is that it’s not hard to untie even though the knot is secure.

So when you’re in a bind, just remember First Class Amateur’s panic knot technique: two big wraps and two small wraps. It might just save your life and your pride!


Carlos wrestles gators, and by gators, we mean words. He also loves good design, good books, and good coffee.