There are a handful of tools I’d put in the absolute must-have category. One of those is a battery tester. I’ve had the Amprobe BAT-200 Battery Tester for the last seven years and it has saved its meager cost in time and batteries saved.

If you’re a parent or someone who goes through batteries and have a lot of different types of batteries flowing through the home, a single tester that takes them all on and doesn’t require another battery or electricity to operate is essential. And this best part, it’s good quality and CHEAP.

Amprobe Battery Tester – $5.45

Admittedly, I wasn’t expecting much from such a inexpensive gadget but realizing that we’ve had it for seven years now and still performs like new makes it completely worth every penny.

Amprobe Battery Tester Features:

  • Easy-to-read color-coded display: “Good”, “Low”, “Replace/Recharge” indicators
  • Test standard and rechargeable batteries: 9V, AA, AAA, C, D, 1.5V Button Type
  • Compact and ergonomic design
  • No batteries required to operate

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