Tufts of bound sticks stood across the red dirt fields. We’d have to feed the machines twice today — some of them had just returned and their conveyors had been affected by the journey. Oh, and then there were the spores. We didn’t expect them to attach and spread so quickly but was likely due to the proximity of these links.

Adrian Virlan – A range of work in land, sea, and sky but his most recent is a range of airships that take their inspiration from dragonflies.

Designer Emojis – Hundreds of emojis from &Walsh that may help convey your feelings or attitude. Works with Slack, Email, and Whatsapp.

Birds & Bubbles – What does flight look like. This video captures birds flying through a mist of bubbles revealing vortices and why these creatures are so amazing.

FVT – Instagram follow of the week. Frederick Thelander takes motion graphics and special effects to a new place.

Bioluminescent Dolphins – Patrick Coyne, an LA-based photographer captured these dolphins swimming in bioluminescence.

Mystical – Wow. Photographer Neil Burnell shots of foggy, moss-covered oaks of Wistman’s Wood.

Hubble 30 Years – On this day in 1990, 30 years ago, Hubble was launched into space aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery to give us a look into the universe like never before.

Moon Geological – And don’t miss this highly detailed geological map of the moon.

Megalovania Tesla – You may have seen the Undertale boss battle song given various treatments, but none like this with a couple of Tesla coils.

No Secrets – New video by The Treble, a remake of video’s from the 80’s. Stay tuned for a side-by-side comparison coming in a week or so.

YouTube video

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Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.